Upsell your guests. Trips, merchandise, and much more.

Why settle for simply renting your space to online travel agencies (OTA) travelers? Monetize further, by selling your guests your own customized merchandise and services.

hero image

Create additional engagement with your guests through TBuddi, and earn by doing so.

We let you create additional pool of offering to your guests such as marketplace, services, local tours and city attractions.

Air Balloons on a landscape
Local Tours

Let guests book local tours through us with just a few clicks.

Image of cleaning the apartment

Showcase an additional pool of services such as extra cleaning, romantic dinners or any variety of arrangements.

Image representing merchendise

Sell custom merchandise of your choosing by showcasing your products in TBuddi app.

Image of scotch and filled glasses

Offer your guests a minibar relaxation for the evenings after their busy travel plans.

Plate of gourmet food

Let guests order food and specialties directly from you.

Image of a lady sleeping
Late checkouts

Let users select their check out a bit later for a fee.

How TBuddi Works

Thumbs up image


Setup your offering through the TBuddi Host Platform.


Showcase the QR code we make for you in the property.


After scanning, guests will see your offering and easily make purchases.

Case Study: Tropical Oasis Miami

Try it for yourself! Scan the QR code and load an active listing in Miami, FL to see how guests can see the property and make their purchases.


Become a TBuddi Host

Earning your second stream income has never been easier.
Just click to sign up and become an official TBuddi Host.

Get Started